Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What was happening in Oct...

In Oct, we were busy working on our miniature little town, we have cars ready, painted houses and buildings. The children had lots of fun learning when should cars stop and go at traffic lights. They also learned things they need to fly in an aeroplane. Children took turns to be pilot, flight attendant and passengers. We had our Halloween party with costumes, cookies decorating, treats, jack-o-lantern toss the bean bags and parading around the environment. What children most excited about was the trick or treating part.

Reminder to parents: Please say a sweet but short goodbye to your child before you leave in the morning. It may seem easier for you to “sneak” away, but it can be very confusing for your child. Separation has been harder for some, but children are settling in to the routines and the environment comfortably once they are engage in activities.

In a Montessori environment, children are given freedom to work with any materials and to move around. If they stray from expectations, they are quickly and firmly redirected. It’s not advisable for two or more children to work with the same material together. One thing that children need practice right now is “order”. To work with a piece of material, first, they need to lay out a mat on the floor/ table, choose a material, work with the chosen material and return it to its place. I’m very proud that my two year-olds can follow this practice.

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Bugs Garden Party

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