Monday, January 5, 2009

Jan News

Welcome back everyone to the start of the new term. We have certainly had a very busy month in Dec with holiday camp, cooking party and Christmas party too! We had lots of fun during the Christmas party. The children enjoyed decorating cookies and made party necklaces.

We are pleased to say that we have a total of 12 new children joining us this term. We hope that the children will settle in well soon and are looking forward to an exciting time with them. We will be spending most of our time getting the children know each other, daily routines and exploring the environment.

Our first theme is All About Me. We will be discussing about ourselves, our bodies and senses, favourite things, friends, families and also Chinese New Year festival that we will be celebrating end of this month. Some fun activities we have already planned for children include sharing information about their family as well as themselves. birthdays, making prints of body parts, culture table of Chinese New Year and lots of paint exploration.

We have a few children whose birthdays are around the corner and yes we encourage birthday celebration in our school. It’s a tradition in Montessori environment to celebrate children’s birthday by having a birthday walk. Here is how it goes..The birthday child will hold a globe and walk around a circle line. A candle will be lighted up and place on a model sun in the center of the circle. While the child is carrying the globe and walking on the circle line, his/her story (based on info given by parents) will be told. Every one complete walk around the sun represents the earth orbit around the sun one round and means one year is past. If the child is three years old, he will walk for three rounds. The child gets to blow the candle in the center at the end of his/her story. Then the birthday cake will be brought out and we’ll sing the birthday song together.

To let the children know more of the birthday child, photographs of the birthday child from each year of his/her life, a basket of his/her favourite book, toys or things will be shown to the class. These things will be displayed in the environment for a week and will be returned home after that. Parents are encouraged to inform the school early before the event.

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