Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are enjoying the new year! I apologize that I have been absent from blogging as compared to my past presence. I have to get use to update my blog often as I know some of you out there are waiting for me to upload the photos that I've promised. Yes...i still remember and will do it soon... do appreciate your patience. I hope that I'll be here more in the near future as I've made some adjustments to the demands on my time at school because I have a bunch of dedicated teachers who help me a lot with school work and share their love of teaching with me. I really appreciate their hardwork.

1 comment:

Stephanie Scott said...

Hi, I found your blog looking up Montessori International schools. So I came over to look at it. I like your graphics. I also am a Montessori teacher and have taught all over the place. I have a blog with some of the books I have written and illustrated over at:

see you!
Stephanie Scott

Bugs Garden Party

Well, as you are already know, here at LittleLand we always keep our children busy learning while having fun. First we brought our children ...