Saturday, June 20, 2009

June News

We hope you had a great time with your child during the school holidays. The school was opened for Daycare children and they had great fun having longer outdoor play and the activities our teachers have planned for them like making Father’s Day card, clay painting and photo frame. You can see how much everyone in the school is enjoying the water table that we have put up in our garden too!.

Last month the children learned about Homes and Families and had a great time build three houses using different materials after listened to the story The Three Little Pigs. The Toddlers Group children also had fun making pig headband and they looked so cute wearing them. The Early Years Group children started to count by 2’s and 5’s and doing some addition with numbers. Since last month, we have started showing Toddlers Group children their names. As the teacher called out their names, they are able to tell very confidently.

Illness Reminder - This time of year can be overwhelming due to the Swine Flu attack. Pls read through the following and thank you for your co-operation.
1) Children with flu-like symptoms include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or stuffy nose. must be kept at home for at least 7 days. Additional symptoms may be experienced with swine flu, including muscle pain, fatigue, and sometimes vomiting or diarrhea.
2) Children with flu-like symptoms must remain at home and not coming to school. For example, if a child becomes ill the night before school they must stay home.
3) If a child appears to develop symptoms of illness during school hours, the parents will be contacted and asked to pick-up their child immediately.
4) If a child contacts a communicable disease, the school must be notified immediately, as a notice is required for other parents to be made aware and keep a watch for signs of illness in their children.

We will be learning about Dairy Food in our classrooms this month. The children will learn sources of dairy products, types of dairy products while enjoying them, milk can be used to make butter, cheese, ice-cream and yoghurt, cows, goats and sheep provide milk. On a hot day nothing is better than an ice-cream treat! The children get to scoop their favourite ice-cream and sprinkle lots of toppings.

Preschool Group children are required to complete occasional homework activities based on the Letterland Blends and Diagraphs sessions they have in school. They are also expected to bring a booklet with spellings to learn at home. We expect the children to practise these every day and they will be tested on their spellings every week. Homework should never be a burden to parents and child. Ideally homework will give parents and children a pleasant opportunity to work together on topics they have learned that week in school.

Parent-Teacher Meeting - We would like to invite the parents to come to school for a Parent-Teacher Meeting. The meeting will be held for two days 6th and 7th July between 2pm-6pm. Your child’s work folder and progress report when we meet you. More details will be sent out next week.

1 comment:

lovelymummy said...

Hi,may i know where your kindy located? my son who is 20 months old now and i would like to enroll him to to the Montessori program. can i make an appointment for visiting your kindy?

Bugs Garden Party

Well, as you are already know, here at LittleLand we always keep our children busy learning while having fun. First we brought our children ...