Wow! With everyone settled in, we are looking forward to a wonderful peaceful March. Feb culminated with an enlightening tour to Tropical Spice Garden, to round up our theme on Plants. The children had a terrific time. It was so interesting to see a group of young children asking questions and learning the many new types of plants. Going on a field trip also taught the children how to behave on outings, care for themselves and friends.
We have been practicing handshakes. The children are learning how to shake hands, which hand is the right hand, and to make eye contact and smile when they greet someone. They are also learning one another’s names. We’ve been practicing our fine motor skills by cutting with scissors, stringing beads to make necklaces and bracelets. Our gross motor activities included tossing beanbags, throwing and catching balls, marching with musical percussions, doing the "Clap with Me", and of course, lots of music and movements. This month we will focus on children’s social skills such as sharing and taking turns.
We started to talk more about how and why we use calendars. On 13 Mar, we will be sending the calendars home for the Early Years children to finish as “homework” over the holiday. The calendars run from Jan – Dec of 2009. The children should finish writing the numbers and days. When they have finished, please help them to label dates they think are important throughout the year, like birthdays, holidays and special events. Please return the calendars to school on Monday after school break. We will be asking the children to share their calendars during our morning circle.
Our exciting theme in Mar will be Pets and we will be learning animal sounds, care of pets, body coverings and movements of animals. We will also be learning about occupation of people who work with animals.
At school
Some of the learning experiences during our Pets theme are :
· Creating a doghouse out of an old box for Floppy
· Show & Tell – The children can bring their stuffed animals to talk about them. If you are willing to bring your family pet to school to show the children, please let us know and we can arrange a time convenient for you and your pet.
· Listening to stories like Oxford Reading Tree - The Pet Shop, Me & My Dog, Tails are not for Pulling and Footprints.
· Pet Store – The children will be learning about counting and making choices.
At home
To develop fine motor skills, pls provide magazine for your child to cut or tear pictures of animals. These can be used to create an animal collage to hang in your child’s bedroom. Have fun with your child!